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Spreading the Good News of the Dark Lord.
We are a community of non-theistic Satanists.
We champion the symbol of Lucifer as one of revolt against arbitrary authority and advocacy for the pursuit of knowledge.
Featured Event: Paganicon
When: March 21-23, 2025
Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Plymouth, MN
What: Paganicon is a full-weekend conference featuring vendors and art, entertainment, and more.
More information about Minnesota Satanists’ official presence at Paganicon coming soon!
See our events page for more info on our events and activites.
Who We Are
Minnesota Satanists is a community-focused group of like-minded individuals who gather under common beliefs and values. Although we venerate the literary figure of Satan, we do not believe they are a real entity, nor do we worship them. If we were to worship anyone, we would say we worship ourselves and those we care about. Just as it is common for Christians to accuse other groups and individuals of actively worshipping the Devil, many of our members are “othered” and told that they are “less than” because of differences they cannot control, such as race, gender identity, or sexuality. This is heavily influenced by the moral panic of the 80s and 90s—also known as the Satanic Panic—that stoked public fear of a widespread conspiracy of Satanists infiltrating society and engaging in the Satanic ritual abuse of children. The Satanic Panic created further isolation of individuals who fell outside of the social norm and often resulted in them being unjustly accused or even prosecuted for being what the Panic at the time thought of as a Satanist, with neither proof nor trial.
Modern Satanism falls into many categories, just as Christianity does. Satanism is the religion. Minnesota Satanists is a church within the non-theistic Satanic umbrella.
In the 21st Century, there are many different groups who call themselves Satanists or Luciferians, although their understanding and interpretation of Satan or Lucifer as a figure varies radically. We champion the symbol of Lucifer as representing revolt against arbitrary authority and oppression, advocacy for the pursuit of knowledge and reason, and sympathy with the scapegoat and the downtrodden.